The product is discontinued by the developer
Sam Spade
Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued

Sam Spade

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Your vote:
Blighty Design
Used by 8 people
Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued

Sam Spade is developed by Blighty Design and is used by 8 users of Software Informer. The name of the program executable file is spade.exe. This particular product is not fit to be reviewed by our informers.

You can check KishKish SAM, WorkSafe Sam, Sam's Interactive Reader and other related programs like Sam-Editor at the "download" section.

Comments (4)


Your vote:

rating Russell D Vitale
All you will ever need to check networks on your PC.

Jun 12, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Anthony Castaneda
Still the best and simplest tool to traceback a problem IP trouble maker. Needs a support project.

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Great stuff!

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